
About JBCE (Born Philippines on April 3, 2002)

Hi, I'm JB Charelle B. Eglesia From Philippines.
My dream is to become a professional artist.

I had been watching many artist youtuber that paint and sketch,i always
watch tutorials in youtube to learn how to draw and finally i started to draw five years ago.

I started in freehand, and now i used grid line on my artwork.
I also study other art style like inverted, digital painting, tape art, colored pencil drawing,pastel drawing and charcoal and graphite drawing.
Currently, I am studying realistic drawing using charcoal and graphite.

I created this website to inspire people to see the joy in life and to turn your creative mind off…in order to make you more creative.

My art is for you.
Exploring new types of art and mediums is so important, both as an artist and as a viewer.
Painting, drawing and making things with my hands has always been a huge part of who I am. It’s where we all come from; we’re creative creatures.
So I’m on a mission to help others tap into and share their creativity. I love to share art ideas that inspire creativity and give you an outlet for
self-expression. If you enjoy exploring my website, follow my artpage and subscribe on my other site for more ideas and inspiration. Thanks so much!

I am open for art commission.
If you are interested message me on my social media account or contact me.

All rights reserved JBCE-Portrait © 2022 JBCE-Portrait.com